Thursday, July 2, 2015

Feeling a bit out-of-place

Hi all! I guess it's that time of the year where my best intentions of posting more frequently just fall by the wayside. Oops.

Anyway, a couple of months ago, I saw that Kennis at Itch to Stitch put out a call for testers for her Lindy Petal skirt. I saw the design and thought it was super cute, but that it wouldn't really work for me, so didn't sign up to test. Well, when she released the (free!) pattern a few weeks later, I could resist downloading it and printing it out. And then, in a move that is very unlike me, I sewed it up that same night!

It was a very quick, easy make, which is just what I'd been looking for! I used a (surprise, surprise) floral print mystery stretch fabric I had in my stash. I managed to squeeze all of the pieces out onto the 1 yard I had.

Since this fabric frays like crazy, I overlocked all of the edges. All in all, this only took me an hour or two (including putting together the PDF pattern and cutting out the fabric!)

Unfortunately, this look really isn't "me," and I haven't worn this yet, except to take these pictures. (Note to self: pencil skirts, especially stretchy ones, aren't really kind to people with tummies and flat butts.)

Judging by my blog roll, everyone and their mother has now sewn this skirt up...Have you caught Lindy fever yet?