Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Finished project (finally!)

Wow, it's been a while, but I have been busy(ish), I promise! It's just that, working on 3-4 projects at a time, none of them ever really get finished to be able to show you. 

But finally, FINALLY, my boyfriend/Dexter cowl is done!

It's based on the Brioche Infinity Scarf pattern, found here.

So, without any further ado, I present my finished cowl!

This was a true stash-buster! I was originally planning to use a light tan and a beige that I had left over from a sock monkey I made for my mom, but as usual, I realized I was going to run out of those 2 colors long before it was done! I somehow always think my yarn's going to stretch further than it does. 

I dug through my stash some more and found a gray that went with the overall color scheme (also from a sock monkey I made!). I added that in random rows, as I did with the tan. 

Finally, I ran out of all three of those colors, and was forced to grab ANOTHER yarn from the stash, only I didn't really have anything that went with the color scheme...

So I added red! I don't think I can call this the boyfriend/Dexter cowl's now the sock monkey scarf!

I prefer to wear it with the red at the back, but it is super warm and cozy, perfect for this crazy Chicago weather!

I love how versatile this is! It's a scarf/hat/hood/anything I need it to be, and it's great! It's a bit shorter than the other ones out there, but I was SO TIRED of working on this and just wanted/needed it to be done. I didn't quite use up all of the red, but almost, and I think I actually like it shorter like this. Any longer and it wouldn't keep out the cold so well.

Stash busted: 3.5 skeins of stashed yarn, yay!

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